Your Capitol Voice: Good and bad in Branstad’s speech
by Bobby Kaufmann, State Representative · Op-Ed · January 22, 2015

The first week of session has come and gone and it was an eventful one!

Governor Branstad gave his State of the State Address and Chief Justice Cady gave his Condition of the Judiciary Address. Both were given in the House of Representatives chamber.

Senator Dvorsky and I sat next to each other during Chief Justice Cady’s address. I am optimistic the House and Senate can find common ground this year.

Speaker Paulsen also gave his remarks outlining his vision for the session. During this speech, the Speaker gave me my first task as Chair of the Government Oversight Committee. The State appropriated well over $100 million dollars in 2009 to replace our prison in Ft. Madison. The existing prison predates the Civil War and is in dire need of replacement. The new prison was due to open in late 2012. This facility is still not open.

There have been a myriad of problems over tearing up the floor, a geothermal system that was insufficient, and now ventilation problems. It is unacceptable that these problems were not identified and fixed during the construction process. It is unacceptable that the prison is not open yet. The tax dollars being wasted are not justified. Where fault lies is yet to be seen, but I announced that my Government Oversight Committee will be getting a personal tour of both the old and the new prisons Friday. I feel like a fair investigation requires me to see the facility itself.

Since the Governor set his priorities in the State of the State Address, I have highlighted areas of his speech where we have agreement and areas where I have concerns.

Areas of Agreement

Broadband – I agree that we should find a way to ensure every Iowan has access to high-speed internet. As a new member of the Commerce committee I look forward to working on the front lines of this issue. This can’t be a government initiative though, private sector providers must be the bedrock of any worthy proposal.

Infrastructure – The Governor repeatedly called for finding additional funds for our roads and bridges. This is critical for me as you have read and heard me discuss for the last two years.

Domestic Abuse – A new proposal was laid out by the Governor that would institute GPS tracking for third-time offenders of domestic abuse. As a member of the Judiciary committee I look forward to working on this issue. No one should have to live a life in fear of their abuser.

Honoring Promises – The Governor’s budget honors the promises we made last year to fund the property tax backfill for our cities and counties. We must also honor our commitment of hundreds of millions of dollars for the educational reform package. There is no compromise here…we must honor our promises.

Areas of Concern

Budget – The Governors FY16 budget proposal spends more than the ongoing revenue reported by the December Revenue Estimating Conference. While I understand this is just a starting point in the negotiations, I want to make it clear that I will not vote for a budget that spends more than the state takes in.

Education – I strongly disagree with the Governor’s recommendation for supplemental state aid to schools of 1.25 percent. This number is not high enough to help our small schools. I am pleased we are having this conversation this early in the session, though.

Eminent Domain – The Governor did not address any of the potential property rights issues that are becoming rampant across the state. I will continue to fight for your property rights with zeal.

Mental Health – Many of you have contacted me and I share your concerns over the Governor’s recommendation to close two out of the state’s four mental health facilities. Mental health access and cost is a growing problem in this state and dealing with this issue will require legislative attention this session. I will keep an open mind and also an ear to the counties at home to make sure the changes over the last several years are also meeting the needs of local residents.

Capitol Visitors: Don Roth, Tipton; Mike & Karen Woltman, Swisher; Bruce Barnhart, West Branch; Al Kroeger and Lance Kephart, Wilton; Dennis Anderson, Moscow; Deb Saul, Davenport; Mark Henning, Rich Dwyer, Steve Bradford, Brandi Olson, Muscatine.

You may contact Rep. Kaufmann at, 515-281-3221 or 1527 330th St. Wilton, IA, 52778