Letter: Disgusted with politics? Join Bernie Sanders
Op-Ed · August 13, 2015

Popping into the middle of another reality-TV season of The Bachelor, Dancing with the Stars, and Survivor there has appeared a much talked-about production that is loosely based upon what might pass for political debate.

In place of the word “debate,” it could more fittingly be thought of as an attempt at survival by some Republican presidential contenders cast as seconds on stage with Donald Trump.

Trump boldly appears as the clear face of what is wrong with politics as usual and as such is in our face with an ugliness of words highlighting what there is plainly to see and be totally fed up with. He publicly postures in display of the kind of insatiable greed and high-on-the-hog life long ago displayed by Her Most Royal Highness, Queen Marie Antoinette who said in mocking disregard of the lives of the people of France: “If they have no bread, let them eat cake.”

Best we remember that the VIOLENT revolution thus set off in old France did not end as fortunate as our American Revolution in a New World.

Following the French Revolution chopping off of the heads of the powers of suppression, it turned into a Reign of Terror in which head choppers also got chopped and chopped and chopped. In these times, were we to neglect to peacefully set what is wrong to right and thus there eventuates violent revolution in our land, we again might not be so fortunate as long ago.

In avoidance of such, there is forming a peaceful revolution for needed change and its early stirrings are bringing people together: independent voters, liberal Democrats, progressive Republicans RINOed unwelcome in their own party, and citizen even so disgusted by the whole mess that they have in the past decline to participate in elections.

These are people joining together with political independent Bernie Sanders to assure “that government of the people, by the people and for the people does not perish from the Earth.” This quoted fragment from Abe Lincoln when tragic violence occurred from this nation of WE THE PEOPLE having drifted too far from what the Founders had established four-score and seven years before.

Come in peace and join in peace with Bernie and the people.

Sam Osborne

West Branch