Letter: Support health of planet that provides much
Op-Ed · April 13, 2017

Mother’s Day. Father’s Day. Secretary’s Day.

Throughout the year we dedicate certain days to thank, honor and appreciate those who make our lives easier and happier in many ways.

Another “day” to celebrate will be happening soon, Earth Day.

While some “days” honor those who make our lives better, Earth Day calls attention to what makes our lives possible.

Without dirt, sunshine, water, we literally cannot feed ourselves.

Whether we honor the God of the Book of Genesis, who created our physical world, and declared it “good” no less than five times, or whether we appreciate the intricacies and delicate balances of the “creation” over time, as demonstrated through scientific discoveries, we all should understand that good stewardship of our physical world is necessary for continued human survival.

Despite our independent natures, we do share some common needs. Water and air move without boundaries. What we mix into them here, affects everyone worldwide.

Celebrate Earth Day 2017 with a renewed commitment to learning how small personal actions can affect your community and the world to which we are all connected.

Earth Day Celebrations will happen in Tipton, Iowa City and all around the globe on Saturday, April 22nd, but you can celebrate and support our planet’s health in various ways all year long.

Laura Twing
