Letter: How about Trump pardon those ‘illegals’?
Op-Ed · September 14, 2017

President Obama’s DACA executive order protecting young aliens within our land was as much about ending the crushing of lives by the prejudicial disregard of some white supremacists as was Abe Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation executive order that freed people “legally” held as slaves in the states that had rebelled with the stated intent of their Confederate Constitution that plantation masters could keep humans that they owned as property held down in bondage and collaterally scorn others as white trash.
Like Lincoln, Obama faced a Congress that was not disposed to the kind of governance of equality for all that the Founders had declared on July 4, 1776 — so like Lincoln, Obama took action.

Trump pretends that what he is doing has been forced on him by the neglect of others (actually Republicans in Congress that blocked via Senate filibuster rule Obama’s attempts for legislative redress of the whole matter).

It is all someone else’s fault and he along with those that intentionally blocked action are now all full of love, compassion and intent to right the wrong.

So, Trump insists that he neither has nor Obama had any presidential power to provide even the slightest ray of hope for the dreams of the young people that were granted temporary succor via DACA.

But, Trump did find a way to permanently free a thug of a sheriff from his being held responsible under the law for the criminal maltreatment of these same people.

Gee, why doesn’t Trump just use his power of pardon to free from the law these hundreds of thousands of “illegals?”

Sam Osborne

West Branch