Letter: Peaceful nation out of reach without justice
Op-Ed · September 21, 2017

“In order to form a more perfect union ...” — This line in the Preamble to our national Constitution is more clearly understood through learning about the sequence of events as we separated ourselves from the British government.

From the public declaring of American Independence from England in 1776, through the debating and writing of our first national document, the Articles of Confederation, in 1780-81, to the additions and changes in our Constitution, we have recognized flaws in our efforts, and tried to improve upon past efforts.

One concept added in the Bill of Rights, was that of justice — due process, right to trial, limitations on search and seizure, and probable cause required for warrants.

Our tie to this dies every time we tolerate law officers shooting “suspects.” We can choose to train our police differently, we can choose to support a broader vision of justice than simple reaction to fear.

Please support a fully funded judicial system, better staffing and training for law enforcement, and increased mental health help in our local communities.

We will not be a peaceful nation without justice for all.

Laura Twing
