Located in the heart of historic West Branch, the Times has been in continuous publication since 1875. |
About the West Branch Times
Welcome to westbranchtimes.com, a site we created for you and the community.
Local news has been the heart and soul of the West Branch Times, which has been in continuous publication since 1875 - a year after the birth of our community's most famous son, President Herbert Hoover.
The Times had been owned by David J. Johnson for 10 years until he sold it to Mike and Deb Owen in September 1993. They then sold the paper to Stuart Clark and Jake Krob on Aug. 15, 2001. Clark and Krob then sold the paper to Woodward Community Media on Oct. 1, 2017, with Krob remaining with the company as a publisher. However, Clark purchased the paper from Woodward on Dec. 19, 2018, to bring it back into the Conservative Publishing family.
We now have entered a new era with the Times, creating this site to provide news and information to all of our readers who have access to the World Wide Web. This is an exciting venture for us, where we can share news and events from our regular print publication and use the power of the Internet to interact with the community. There will be some things you will find here that are not in the printed version - and there will be some things that are best found in the printed version of the Times. Each is a separate product with its own strengths. We hope to serve you well with both.
This web site has our name on it, and we'll keep it up to date, but we want you to think of it as yours too. Use it, enjoy it, and let us know how we can make it better. We are always eager to hear from you, so feel free to send us e-mail or call us. Our number is 319-643-2131.
Stu Clark
Publisher |
The West Branch Times
Conservative Media
Published Thursdays: 51 weeks a year except the week between Christmas and New Year's Day by Conservative Publishing.; 124 W. Main Street; West Branch, Iowa 52358.
Official Newspaper for:
Cedar County, City of West Branch, West Branch School District
Stu Clark
Gregory Norfleet
Annie Schroder
Kelly Walsh
Subscription Rates: $37 per year in Cedar County and surrounding counties, $45 elsewhere in Iowa, and $50 out of state. All subscriptions include access to our e-edition. Periodical postage paid at West Branch, Iowa. Seniors and veterans may deduct $1 off when renewing your subscription! |