Letter: Oh, the clarity of trans athletes honed in Iowa
Op-Ed · March 12, 2025

In the recent (March 6, 2025) West Branch Times our two Republican public servants representing us in the Iowa State Legislature have brought such common-sense clarity to any question of transgender sexuality that we can all more securely snuggle into bed, enjoy sweet dreams and have no more nightmares about the indecent exposure that has been rampantly sweeping the highways, byways, back woods and center stage of our dear state of Iowa.

Thus our eyes are opened wide to fondly looking back on the old times of being good sports out on the field of play or up in the bleachers entertained by the bounce of the ball, booing a bad call, moaning about a pratfall and on occasion gasping and pointing toward the dash of a nude streaker.

Out on the edge of these two Republicans bringing great clarity to this matter there lingers memory of transgender Caitlyn Jenner bringing worldwide notoriety to our corn-fed state with her public demonstration of great athletic accomplishment by winning a gold medal in the Olympic Games with her world-record breaking score in the decathlon.

This footed by graduating and having honed her athletic skills right here at Graceland College in Lamoni, Iowa, to such high note of being named the 1976 Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year.

What a lady.

Oh well, now in this day if it is not watching women’s basketball and reading the West Brach Times, one might spend some time seated watching some religious movie like Conclave, and we all know how that ended.

Sam Osborne

West Branch