Letter: That ‘pursuit’ also a call for responsibility
Op-Ed · July 13, 2017

Thanks to you and your staff for your editorial today (July 6 West Branch Times).

In my years as a middle and high school teacher, I always loved talking with students about the Declaration of Independence and I agree with Rev. Paulus’s words about unity and recognition of the rights of every person (not just American citizens or those who are in the majority).

I would also add that the phrase “pursuit of happiness” is not just the idea of liberty. Jefferson took the phrase from the English philosopher John Locke, who wrote a treatise against tyranny and its defenders.

Back in the 90’s when I taught students this phrase, the U.S. Army had a popular tagline: “Be all that you can be.” It encapsulates Locke’s idea of the pursuit of happiness. It is in God’s eyes an inalienable right of every human to pursue their life to it’s fullest potential.

This means that we are both free and responsible to others. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand if we want to be free and allow others the same pursuit.

Thomas Weber

Head of School

Scattergood Friends School