Letter: Imperfect? Yes. But Trump right about border
Op-Ed · March 27, 2024

The Republican majority believes that Donald Trump is the most impressive candidate for president.
Admittedly, Trump speaks bluntly and that sometimes muddles what he tries to say. However, I disagree with choosing a president based on personality.

Rather, we should vote on a candidate’s policies. Trump’s proclamations DO make America easier to live in. He made America the “shining city on the hill,” a place where I want to be.

Trump gave Americans a burgeoning economy, not one suffering from inflation. I’m tired of being left bereft financially after going to the grocery store, or buying gas, or paying bills.

The southern border was closed during Trump’s administration and our rights were not burdened nor our safety threatened.

Why are so many holding positions in government ignoring our Constitution and our God-ordained rights?

We also should not pledge so much money to groups that don’t represent our interests. During Trump’s first term we knew better who to trust. We were better off.

I’m not so much concerned for myself; I’m old. However, everyone from my children to my extended family to my friends will — with their lifestyles and taxes — pay for recent government edicts, for years to come.

You can’t ignore what we are experiencing now. Remember what it was like before this administration.

Think about who you are choosing! Please consider!

Kay Norfleet

Lemont Ill.