Your Capitol Voice: Eminent domain bill adds protections to property
by Bobby Kaufman, State Representative · Op-Ed · March 22, 2013

Last week was exclusively a debate week. I managed my first major bill on eminent domain.
The bill restricts the ability to condemn private property for recreational purposes. I spent countless hours before the bill was even drafted speaking with Republicans, Democrats, city officials, and counties to ensure that everyone had input.

One of the leading opponents of this bill last session, Representative Dave Jacoby (D-Iowa City), spoke on the floor in favor of the bill and my bipartisan process. The bill passed 93-6. If you would like an audio of the House debate, send me an e-mail and I can send you the audio without any edits. It now goes to the Senate.

Bills I’m running this week: I am running eight bills on the House floor this week, the second most in the House. It is exhausting , but I appreciate the faith of my colleagues to allow me to run these bills.

I am eager to again try to build bipartisan consensus to have strong votes coming off of the floor. Both of my beginning farmer bills come up for a floor vote this week. I deal with a wide variety of other issues such as creating an affordable housing program for low-income citizens, expanding the claim period for rent, a DOT bill dealing with the return of handicap parking permits, and a mentor program in the Public Defender’s office.

I will report back to you next week on the passage of these bills as well as the fight over the expansion of Medicaid.

Income Tax Relief

It has been a long time since Iowans have seen income tax relief.

As a state we are forced to contend with states around us that either have a lower income tax rate or have none at all (even Illinois will go to a flat tax after their tax hikes expire).

This puts Iowans at a competitive disadvantage. House File 478 passed the House this week with a vote count of 53-47.

This bill will not become law as it is written, but a group of ideas placed in the mix of ideas as to how Iowa can be more competitive. Let me be clear ... if I have to make a choice between property tax reform and relief OR income tax relief, I will advocate for property tax reform and relief.

Here are a few highlights of HF 478:

• Gives Iowans a choice when paying their income taxes. You can choose either the current system or a 4.5 percent flat tax with zero deductions or credits. The key here is that this is an option. If you like the current system, you still have that choice.

• Raises the filing threshold so that the first $6,325 (or $12,450 for married couple) would not be taxed.

The nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency predicts that 39 percent of all income tax filers would choose the flat-tax option and it would reduce the overall tax burden by close to $400 million.

With the flat-tax option, the taxpayers who would receive the greatest benefit fall in the $30,000-$40,000 bracket. For all filers, those who elected this option would save $819 on average. Small businesses often file taxes as individuals ... on paper they look like wealthy citizens filing, but in reality they are operating on a small margin. Critics of the plan often leave this fact out of the debate.

I am in favor of increasing dollars in areas where needs are justified and the dollars are sustainable. Areas like education, public safety and health care accessibility; but revenues must also be shared back with the taxpayers as well. And fixing our property tax inequities or reducing some income tax competiveness issues should also be part of the mix.

Nothing will be put into law without bipartisan support. Iowans elected a Democrat Senate and a Republican House and we will have to work in concert along with the governor to produce a final product. I look forward to helping build that bridge.

I know that no idea is perfect, but you can’t have too many voices weighing into the discussion. I will do my best to hear those of you who want to be part of it.

Forums: There are no forums scheduled for this week. There will be at least 10 more in the coming weeks. I will attend fish fries in Tipton and Durant this weekend. If there is an event or meeting you would like me to attend, just let me know.

Capitol Visitors: Laura Twing – Tipton; Bruce Barnhart – West Branch; Sherri Hunt – Early Childhood Director for Cedar, Jones, and Dubuque Counties; Rev. Jean M. Sullivan – Board Chair – ECI; John Etheredge – Johnson County Supervisor; Pat Harney – Johnson County Supervisor; Dave and Bill Bywater – Iowa City; Kirk Trede – Durant; Sam Miller – Solon Schools Superintendent

You may contact Rep. Kaufmann at, 563-260-3355 or 1527 330th St. Wilton, IA, 52778